近衛信尹—公家の政治と芸術(Japonica Neerlandica9) (このえのぶただ くげのせいじとげいじゅつ)
発行:Hotei Publishing
原題:Dismissed as elegant fossils Konoe Nobutada and the role of aristocrats in Early Modern Japan
【発行】Hotei Publishing
初版発行:2004年12月 240×160mm、布装上製・230頁 ISBN 90-74822-52-5
【目次】Introduction/Nobutada's heritage: Aristocrats and art 1400-1600/Biography/Politics and art in Kyoto, 1600-1615/Nobutada's calligraphy style/Classical poetry resonates in the works of Nobutada and Koestu/Moving beyond the traditional/Ink paintings/Postscript: Art and politics in Kyoto, 1615-1700/Conclusion/Appendices: List of Konoe family members/Chronology/Translations of documents/Letters of interest/Poetry usage in screens, handscrolls and shikishi sets/Other poetry screens/List of Tenjin works/Catarogue raisonne/Nobutada and calligraphy on screens: further information/After Nobutada, some notes on themesBibliography/Nederlandse Samenvatting/Curriculum Vitae/List of Plates/Index